Getting free SMS alert for email

If you are traveling to your home village where you have no way to connect to internet or in a travel or at least you don’t have time to check email each hour to see if there is some new email, you can try this. Get Free SMS alert whenever you are receiving an email.

PS: I remember, one friend told me told me that hotmail is providing free SMS alert for emails in India. But I never got a try on it as I don’t play with a hotmail account.

Warning: This is potentially insecure method for getting SMS alert via email. A simple mistake can cause your emails to go public.


  1. A twitter account with no followers and tweets protected.
  2. A mobile phone with SMS facility šŸ˜‰

Follow the steps

  1. Create a new account on twitter
    Make sure to use some weird name like . So that no one would care about this account. Don’t fill in bio or URL so that the account looks pretty waste.
  2. Protect your tweets. So that no one can see what this account is tweeting. Don’t follow anyone, and never let anyone follow you.
  3. Now, go to and create an account. It takes less than 30 seconds to set up an account.
  4. You will get an email id to which you can send emails and they will get updated as tweet (eg:
  5. Now set email forward in your email inbox to this unique email address: Any email coming to your inbox will be tweeted by the twitter account you just created.
  6. Follow the new twitter account with your main twitter account. Set device update turned on (Do not let other follow that account)
  7. Set up mobile options in twitter account so that you will get SMS alert when ever a device update enabled user makes a tweet.

That’s it guys, It takes a time less than you finish reading this if you are not a speed reader


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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5 Responses

  1. Awesome issues here. I am very glad to see your post. Thanks so much and I am looking ahead to contact you. Will you kindly drop me a e-mail?

  2. John Doe says: is DEAD!

  3. San says:

    Website is not working..

  4. nadissen says:

    This does not work for mauritius since my country is not in the list for mobile setup for twitter, is there any alternative?

  1. April 30, 2010

    […] Getting free SMS alert for email – Method 2 Posted by : Remiz Filed under : Remix […]

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