Suggest – Overview

Suggest Remix

Suggest Remix

Have you ever been thinking of adding new feature on any product or services you use now ?. Personally, I do. I belive this is the best place I can talk about it. The post under this category are only my personal intrests and I am not sure that the provider may or may not add the feature on thier product or service in near feature.

Ofcource I will be thinking of remixing services of same or different providers. For example I wish there is something like Trends in Google Analytics 🙂


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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1 Response

  1. March 13, 2009

    […] might have seen that I’ve started feature suggest in this blog last week and posted an overview on it. Here I’m just gonna make a feature request to […]

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