Installing MAC Leopard on PC

Since the time I started using iPhone, I was wondering to build an iPhone App. Seriously, not to make fortune by selling my App on store for $ 0.99 🙂 , but I felt always a proud to do something like that. First thing I tried was, searched for a Windows SKD, where I can develop apps. Hmm but no way, you need a MAC!. The so called Apple restriction frustrated me. So I thought of installing MAC on my PC. Here I am sharing the steps involved in it.

Things you will need.

  1. A blank DVD-R to burn CD image.
  2. ISO image which can be downloaded from Torrent.
  3. An Intel based PC (Core based processors a plus)


  1. Download installation ISO:- You can find torrent by performing a search for iATKOS v1.0i on Google (Its about 2.09 GB).
  2. Burn the ISO to DVD in very lowest speed.
  3. Boot from the DVD, follow screen instructions ( Simple as driving a toy car )

That is it. Mac is ready on your PC. Now, I need to look for how to install iPhone SKD


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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6 Responses

  1. Pelly says:

    Thanks, i’m gonna give this a go and test it out.

  2. Oracle says:

    it’s not that simple, you need to check whether your hardware will be supported and recognised by OSx.

  3. Sunil says:

    that is interesting.. Thanks 🙂

  4. Shoban says:

    Thats it? sounds simple how does the hard ware/driver stuff work? Can I do this in a lap which is having an AMD processor.

  5. Flix says:

    Mac is not an acronym, don’t type it in all caps.

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