
Few projects I am involved in. I will update this soon

My projects

MyDreamer – A device to decide what to dream

Invention prototype of MyDreamer, dream decision device. The device let you decide what to dream while you sleep. You can chose from movies, songs, or any eBooks to read.

Preloader Mera – WordPress plugin

Adds preloader header meta to wordpress so that Browsers loads possible next pages and User gets instand load when they click on links.

bb Moderation Plugin – bbPress plugin

Adds option to moderate new topics and posts. Also alerts admin by email.

Social Count – WordPress plugin

Displays number of shares or bookmarks in popular social media sites.

Comment count in words – WordPress plugin

Displays wordpress comment count in words. Like instead of 5 Comments, it shows Five Comments.

WP 404 Images Fix – WordPress plugin

Loads a default image in the place where an image path is returning 404.

Developer style switch – Chrome extension

Google Chrome extension to load external style files to live sites without uploading style file

CSS Curved Corner

3 line CSS and one magic htc file to make any element curved in all major browsers (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc) and one crap browser (IE6) 😉

Category pagination fix – WordPress plugin

Fixes category pagination issue while using custom permalink structure like %category%/%postname%

Tweet Dots – Twitter Client

Lightweight twitter app for Mobiles and iPhone.