HTML Remix Blog


Does this domain name make sense ?

This post is been in my mind from the day I started this blog. Its all about the name that I’ve selected for this blog, ” HTML Remix”. At first of all, I really...


How Users Read on the Web

While reading RSS feeds of several blogs, a wish came in to mind to make use of a web page reader software, which reads the content in the website. Probabily, a firefox extension for...

2 is down

After making the previouse post, I was just gonna twitter. I dont know who made this šŸ˜› is down for maitanance . What happened to WWW ? two sites are down !! Or...


World Search Championship

Today, in the morning, I got a mail from Yahoo ( <>) regarding World Search Championship to my id. It was about a competetion of ten questions about whole world. You can use...


Google and quality

Yes, I’m sure. You are mislead. This post is not about what you thing about Google and quality. Some of you might thought that this post is about well talked “Google-quality” relation for SEO....


I’ve started Twitter !

Yes, my updates are now on twitter . I’m not sure that I can update my status on it every time. But I will try my best to do . Because I like it...


Google to kick out firefox ?

I’m not sure about the things happening in Google. Specially by the release of Google Chrome . Today, while Orkuting, I fount a bad link on my home page. It says me ” try...