Google experimental timeline – Future search is real?

On January Google introduced Experimental SERP with unbeatable timeline view. But I am not sure how many of you are using this featured SERP for finding information. And the same year, google annouced future search with nice name gDay™ with MATE™ and cool tagline “Search tomorrow’s web, today!” . Yea I know it was another April fool day kit like Google’s patented PigeonRank.

To wrap up, all these details are well know to each of you than me of course . Now the reason for this post is a invalid page in Google SERP I was searching for the keyword “cross browser” for which my blog got good ranking for the post cross browser curved corner div using border radius. I tried to find who ranked before me for the keyword “cross browser”.  But unfortunately I didn’t find any good result for my search. But I found a invention to the future.

See the screenshoot .

The timeline shows 2009 !!. I am not sure what type of data sorting is this. But may be Google is working behind fututre search.


Remixed version of unstable human emotions and thirst of mankind actions. UX designer, UI developer and HE of WebCastle Media Pvt LTD

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