Author: Remiz


Installing MAC Leopard on PC

Installing MAC on PC is very interesting and easy way you get a MAC powered PC. All you need is an Intel based PC and DVD to boot from.


My condolence to IE6

When I started using Internet four years back in my Windows 98 PC, I had no idea what a browser is and there are alternatives for IE5. But within few months, I came across...


Valentine’s Day – What is the color of love

Just exited to see my first book “The Dark Side of LOVE” published on Google Books. Thanks for all your help and support through comments and emails. With all respect and proud, I’m presenting it here


The golden year! almost gone…

A day we live in our life is a day we dies. Every day in out life is special even if we are doing the same. And this year is almost leaving us all....


Moving Indian population to the clouds

Government of India is planning to develop a UID card and number system with population count which has to be held on 2012. Here is my idea of utilizing cloud computing technology to get the best out of it.


30 days of invisible life.

For last 30 days, I was in “Out of net” mission. That is, 30 days without any public online activities. No send or publish buttons, no chats no tweets etc. This gave me more time to spend on my tasks at WebCastle and to read a lot of blogs and articles.


Google sitelink algorithm

I wasn’t really thinking about posting something today till I saw Google site links appeared for my blog. Remember the post I did earlier this year about how to get google site links ?...


One year of Remixing Code!

Yes, this blog is now one year old. First thing I would like to do in this occasion is to thank everyone out there reading my post and hundreds of rss feed subscribers who really encourage me to write more every week.